

Liability for links

In its judgment of May 12, 1998 “Liability for links” (312 O 85/98), the Hamburg Regional Court clearly ruled that the inclusion of a link may lead to co-responsibility for the content of the linked page, i.e. liability can be assumed; this can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from this content. In order to comply with this ruling, the AWV editorial team hereby expressly distances itself from the content of linked pages on www.awv-net.de and points out that it has no influence on the design and content of the linked pages, nor does it adopt this content as its own.

Non-profit status

The non-profit status of AWV - Arbeitsgemeinschaft für wirtschaftliche Verwaltung e. V. is recognized by the Hofheim am Taunus tax office. The notice of exemption for the years 2021 to 2023 was issued on 04.03.2025.

AWV – Arbeitsgemeinschaft für wirtschaftliche Verwaltung e. V., Düsseldorfer Str. 40, 65760 Eschborn, Germany

Register of associations 73 VR 5158, Frankfurt am Main Local Court

Phone: +49 6196 77726 0
E-Mail: info[at]awv-net.de

Board of Directors

Werner Schmidt (President), Katja Wilken (Vice President)

Managing Director

Dr. Ulrich Naujokat

Deputy Director

Joana Siebert-Tavares


Nicole Wingender, E-Mail: wingender(at)awv-net.de

Selina Fritsch, E-Mail: fritsch(at)awv-net.de

Data Protection

See our privacy notice.


See our contact.


Die Medialen GmbH
Colmantstraße 39
53115 Bonn

E-Mail: info(at)diemedialen.de
Website: www.diemedialen.de

This website was realized with the content management system TYPO3.

Image sources

Startseite, Motiv Gebäudefassade MyZeil: Adobe Stock / Oleksii Sergieiev
Über uns: Adobe Stock / Delmaine Donson/peopleimages.com
Aktuelles: Adobe Stock / petryshak
Standards & FAQs: Adobe Stock / Viacheslav
FAQs: Adobe Stock / Lumos sp
Downloads Container: Adobe Stock / Binkski

Downloads Lift:Adobe Stock / Kirill Gorlov

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